Q: How do I see a particular albedo product
A: Decide whether you want a 1km local area (10° x 10° tile) or a global (0.05° or 0.5°)
Go to Browse tab and decide on whether you want a Tile or a Global view
Q: How do I work out what tile ID I need for a specific lat,lon?
A: go to
http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/developer/tilemap.cgi and use the calculator
Q: How do I download data for a specific 1km pixel?
A: goto get Data->Point and decide on the parameters you want and it will generate the data and give you the
wget command
Q: How do I download a tile?
A: work out which tile you need by looking at the map of tiles
here and then goto
Q: How do I download a global mosaic?
A: goto
Q: How do find out how to read a particular tile or global mosaic?
A: goto
User Manual
Q: How do I find out more about the mathematical theory for the processing algorithm
A: goto
Q: How do find out about what validation has been performed for the products including the intermediate products (Pixel ID, aerosol Optical depth, narrowband-to-broadband, albedo)?
A: goto